A logo, a story…

On the occasion of the launch of One Such, many of you are wondering about the project, its values, its name … Curtain up on the concept!

In the era of online shopping, many platforms are flourishing on the net. Often, they offer quite similar items. The possibility to create your own style is thus limited. Being like everyone else is not very trendy…

From this observation was born One Such: the desire to distinguish oneself through one’s style by wearing singular articles of quality. According to us, there are as many styles as there are individuals. What you want, we offer.

Having your own style doesn’t mean wearing pieces from world famous designers. After all, a jacket that everyone else is wearing may be designer but it won’t reflect your personality. So who better than Belgian stylists to design atypical looks? One Such proposes, thus, creations of artists, often ignored by the general public and, nevertheless, very talented.

These principles are the red threads that animate the One Such project team. The team is composed of fashion enthusiasts, committed to a sustainable and more local fashion… a fashion closer to us, to you.

What is behind the logo and the name?

The logo refers to the creation of fashion pieces. The shape is reminiscent of the chalk used to draw. The dot symbolizes the place of production (workshops near you). The half-moon represents the spotlight offered by the platform to artists and responsible fashion.

One Such means in English “un tel”. In this sense, “one such” is the identity of each one. The diversity of styles offered on the platform aims to give each individual the opportunity to be himself. We dream of a society where everyone is free to express themselves. Fashion is the most beautiful and accessible way to express yourself.

These values, this commitment and this passion are the impulse of the project. But our story is written with you. So get ready! This is only the beginning of the One Such adventure!

The One Such editorial team.